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the 6-day seminar...

Creative Arts Programme

...which changed our outlook on life

spacer.gif (811 bytes) If you've been around the page (now, search your soul), you've have realised and seen all the hype about CAP,

CAP has definitely been an enriching experience for us, not to say the least. and as of yet, we (shaun and char), have not written or contributed anything to furthur glorify the Creative Arts Programme, but here's what a fellow CAPper wrote:

Rain & the Night of Remembrance

"There’s once particular sentence that sums up all my feelings and emotions at this current moment. I went for CAP. CAP is an abbreviation for Creative Arts Programme, a seminar which went on during the first to the sixth of June in NUS. It conveniently stretched from a Monday to a Saturday. However, the period of time that I would remember the most deeply would be Friday night. Why did that leave the deepest impression in me? It was because that was the Night when Heaven cried..."

Rain (for all of us CAPpers)
Outside, the Rain fell like tears
As drops continually smash the ground
Rain was the journeyman’s worst fear
til in his heart could shelter be found
Inside, we were drenched wet and soggy
Rain still trickled down our frozen cheeks
And in each other’s eyes we could see
That separation makes our gladness meek
We tore down the Walls of groupings
And sat among us all alike
We went on chatting about those things
As we linked up to each others’ psyche
But inside, we know the cup of Milo
Which we have left on the table untouched
Would soon after we leave, be cold
When we have not even known each other much
Quietness soon descended upon us all
Like holy Death left his touch amidst us
Between ourselves we used to stand tall
Till we have to see each other for the last
Parting can be bitter and sour
But parting too can be sweet as well
Heaven parted too with tears in earthly showers
But how many flowers bloomed in its heed, who can tell?

Rain (for myself)

When I stepped out from the amphiteatre
I could see the hoards gathered outside
Their arms folded as they talked to their peers
And yet there was none there for me to confide
Why were we all gathered there, you might ask
For that was the shelter which had them satisfied
And to depart that corridor was a horrendous task
For Rain fell furious in the emptiness outside
"Rain, rain, go away, come again another night"
I chanted this line deep in my whispers
But my prayers ended up in an unholy sight
As the rain fell from above in more frenzied spurs
Trapped between an unfriendly sanctuary
And the furious company of rain outside
I took a step into beyond and cried out free
And ran afar as though I was a gushing tide
The rain hit heavy on the top of my head
As it sank deep into the crevasse of my skull
The empty sky above was my only shade
As the Heavenly streams washed me of all foul
There was no one deep in the rain with me
cept for a downfallen solitary tree
I believed I myself grasped my Salvation’s key
But then again, I was just like that lightning-struck tree
I continued to run towards my dormitory
Inspired only by an instinct to hide
But once more, in my mind floated that dying tree
A lonely die-r caught deep in a forever night
Then from behind I heard someone call out my name
Two guys whom I knew, holding umbrellas
I halted in my tracks in both bliss and shame
As I waited for them, two inches from the foyer
Still in the rain...

-- Kam Zhiming

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